Comic Inking – Batman

Comic Inking – Batman

I just finished inking this Batman cover over pencils by David Finch as a sample piece. It was done entirely in Procreate on the iPad Pro. I took a few…

Drone Shot – Morning fog

Drone Shot – Morning fog

I caught this one at that perfect moment, just as the sun was coming up and the fog was still hugging the trees.

Eye in the Sky

Eye in the Sky

I’ve been wanting to get into drone work for a long time, and I finally made a start last week. I picked up a new DJI Mavic Mini, and have…

Next show: Orlando Megacon

Next show: Orlando Megacon

My next comic convention will be Megacon in Orlando, Florida, on May 17, 18 & 19. You can pick up copies of my self-published books Shanghai and Extraterrestrial. I’ll also…

Star Trek Discovery – Pike!

Star Trek Discovery – Pike!

Season 2 just wrapped up, and I thought it was brilliant. As much as I’m looking forward to new adventures in season 3, I’m going to miss Captain Pike and…