I’ve had my FAA commercial unmanned air vehicle license for about ten months now. I’ve not been looking to make a career out of it, but I am open to…
Trying the Keto Lifestyle
I was a skinny kid growing up. When I was 20, I weighed 130 pounds soaking wet. I could eat whatever I wanted and never gained a pound. That all…
Warcraft – Journey’s End?
I’ve been playing World of Warcraft since the original beta in 2004. I’ve dropped out here and there, but always came back. I currently have an active subscription, but I…
Sky’s the Limit
I don’t have to go far to get a great panoramic shot. This was taken a few hundred feet above my backyard, with the Air 2S drone. On a clear…
Land’s End
I took this shot with the DJI Air 2S drone a few weeks ago. I went to Oceanwalk on a Friday morning and it wasn’t very crowded, so I had…
My Drone Journey so far…
I’ve been focusing more on aerial photography in the last year and less on comic art. I still love comics and drawing, but I’ve never really gotten to where I…
Florida Man
Trying to embed a TikTok video this morning to see how it works. 🙂
Colder Days
I got to go to Michigan for a few days during the winter this year and fly in a very different climate than Florida. I hope to visit some other…
Early morning in Daytona Beach, looking past the Courthouse.
Evening lights
Evening is one of my favorite times to fly. Just a little glow left in the sky and the lights down below. This is the main road in Daytona looking…
Good morning
Sunrise over Daytona
Today’s drone shot is along the beach in Daytona.
Danger Girl!
I inked a new sample piece for the first time in a dog’s age. This is from J Scott Campbell’s Danger Girl from back in the day. Slide the bar…
Exiles – my inks over George Perez
This is from the book Exiles, which was part of the Malibu Ultraverse. I inked it over George Perez’s breakdowns, and finished pencils by John Statema. It features one of…
Drone Shot
Here’s an aerial view of the top of the Basilica of St Paul in Daytona Beach. Churches are one of my favorite things to take pictures of, and this is…
Red Sonja – new art
This is a new piece I drew for 2022. I would love to draw for Dynamite on the real book. Let them know about me if you like it!
Drone Shot – red tail hawk
I captured this guy by accident. I was inspecting a house, and turned the drone and there he was, just watching. It’s cropped way in, so I’m not as close…
More 3D art
Here’s another new art piece from the last few that I did. I don’t have much of a purpose in mind at the moment, and am still trying to get…
Idle Hands
I haven’t done much in digital for a while, so I dusted off my models and tried to remember how I did things. I’m trying to get to the next…
Crossroads – Part 1
This site is a collection of my art, and as is clear from the lack of posting lately, I haven’t been doing a whole lot of art. It’s a feeling…