Trish and I cleaned out Zul’Gurub last night, getting the achievement before it goes away forever in a few weeks. It’s becoming a regular part of the zone, and a…
Skulfrak got both the Squashling and the pumpkin mask in his bag this morning, giving him the full Hallow’s End achievement. Woot! My warrior Squood picked up the Horseman’s Reigns,…
Hallowed be thy Name
Skulfrak needs only the Squashling pet and the pumpkin mask to complete the Hallow’s End meta-achievement this year, but for the past few years, those have eluded him. Everything else…
Hallow’s End – Patch 4.0.1
Phew! Been busy lately with re-learning my spell rotations on all my toons, and how things work now in the new patch. A lot to get used to, but I…
Another Brewfest Ends
I did the last Direbrew runs on my level 80s this morning, bringing Brewwfest 2010 to an end for me. I was able to do them all each day on…
Keeping my Head Down
Not too much going on lately. There are things going on in the background of my life that I have no control over, and I’m really hoping situations don’t take…