My new worgen warlock on Whisperwind, Cygnet, is level 41 and climbing. I’ve leveling almost entirely with the dungeon finder, and it’s been a lot of fun seeing all the…
Cygnet – level 33
My new Worgen warlock, Cygnet on Whisperwind, is now level 33, having come up almost entirely in dungeons. Very fast, and she’s gotten some pretty good gear – almost entirely…
Cygnet – level 22
My new Worgen, Cygnet, finished the morning at level 22. I found a guild to get some of the perks while leveling, and she’s picked up some dungeon blues. I’ve…
Worgen on Whisperwind!
I rolled up a new Worgen Warlock on the Whisperwind server named Cygnet the other day, and went through the whole Gilneas storyline, and it was fun, but I think…
Check Out Hearthcast!
Giving a shout out this week for all fellow World of Warcraft players to check out the Hearthcast podcast – a weekly show for casual WoW player. It’s hosted by…
Kaboodle – level 32
I did a few early morning Scarlet Monastery and Mauradin runs this morning, and Kaboodle is now level 32. He’s exalted with the Bilgewater Cartel, and has been racking up…
Bass Effects!
On the musical side, I’ve been playing the bass again. I gave it up many years ago after playing in a band for a while, but I picked up a…
Back to Kaboodle
I’m taking a break from the level 85 content right now. I’m not happy with the difficulty of heroics vs. the gains I’m making – both in drops and valor…
Back to it!
We’ll almost assuredly meet Queen Azshara this expansion. Maybe I can give her gown back to her.I went back to Skul last night and this morning, as there’s still so…
Back to School – Week 1
I’ve finished up my first week of school at Art Institute of Pittsburgh Online, and got everything turned in. So far, it’s been pretty easy, but next week I start my first…
Had it with Heroics
So, my main warlock, Skulfrak, is 85 and is geared for heroic dungeons. So far, he’s only completed two successful runs out of the handful he’s managed to get into.…
First Heroic = Fail
Well, that was bad. I managed to cobble together enough gear to get Skulfrak into his first heroic dungeon, and the first part of it went fine. Pulls were careful,…
Skulfrak hits 85
I was originally going to concentrate on my new goblin warlock, but I was just seeing too many cool things people were doing in the new 80-85 zones, so I…
Cataclysm Week 2
Ok, I’ve been really busy in the real world for the past few weeks, getting ready for school and moving, so I haven’t had a great deal of time to…
Old School
I’m finally starting something I’ve been thinking about doing for a long, long time. Beginning in January, I’m going back to school to get a degree. I should have done…
Kaboodle has started his run!
Cataclysm came out this morning, and I started my new Goblin Warlock, Kaboodle, on Steamwheedle Cartel US. The first thing I did was join my guild, Mass Insanity, so everything…
3 Days ’till Cataclysm!
I’m all set – Cataclysm is loaded, keyed, and when I wake up Tuesday morning, the first thing I’m doing is making a brand new Goblin Warlock on the Steamwheedle…
I Stood in the Fire
This weekend, I’ve playing a lower level warlock alt, Oakley, on Icecrown, getting some dungeon and battleground experience. While running through Winterspring to get the flightpath this morning, I came…
A whole new world
Skulfrak woke up in the rebuilt city of Orgrimmar today. Pretty amazing.
The Shattering is today!
I stood in downtown Orgrimmar last night, watching what was left of the city burn. The elementals had done a pretty good job of smashing the place up, and most…