Keto Journey – Back on the Wagon

Keto Journey – Back on the Wagon

I lost forty pounds over the past few months on keto and was very comfortable with it. The weeks leading up to the holidays were not as disciplined, though, and…

Keto this week

Keto this week

I was stuck at a plateau for a while, but I finally broke through and hit the 40 pound mark. I had a cheat weekend and ate a lot of…

Keto this week

Keto this week

I can’t seem to lose that last pound. I was down 39 this morning after bouncing around at the same number for two weeks. I’ve been watching some videos about…

Keto this week – holding even

Keto this week – holding even

I ended this week at pretty much the same weight as last week. I stayed in keto, but have hit a mini plataeo, which is frustrating, but normal. I really…

Keto this week

Keto this week

Somehow, while on the road and eating out of a cooler, I managed to stay in keto and lost more weight. I guess I kept myself busy and didn’t overeat.…

35 Pounds Down

35 Pounds Down

I leveled off a little bit this week, but I still hit the 35 pound milestone. I picked up a bunch of keto snacks and food to take with me…

So close…

So close…

I almost finished the week with 35 pounds down, but didn’t quite make it. I stayed disciplined, but went back up slightly today. Fluctuations are normal, but frustrating. We had…

Keto this week

Keto this week

Even after doing keto for three months, I’m still learning how to make adjustments to what I’m consuming. For me, at least, in addition to keeping carbs to under 20…

Down 30!

Down 30!

I hit the 30 pound mark on my keto journey this morning. I started mid-March, and have fallen into a pretty routine pattern with eating. No sugar, no soda, alcohol,…

Keto this week

Keto this week

I earned my 25 pounds lost badge in the Fitbit app this week. I’m actually down 28 pounds as of this morning. I’ve settled into a pretty regular menu and…

Keto journey for the week

Keto journey for the week

I stayed really dedicated this time around, and I’m almost at the 25 pounds milestone. It still seems to be working well, but I have a long way to go…

Keto This Week

Keto This Week

I was at 219.8 this morning. I weighed several times to make sure. That’s quite a bit down since yesterday, but I’ll take it. I will probably rubberband back into…

Keto Breakfast

Keto Breakfast

I’ve had to learn how to do without a lot of things eating keto. No pasta, rice, potatoes, bread, sugar, etc. It’s anything but boring, though. We made steak and…

Keto This Week

Keto This Week

I’ve been pretty dedicated with keeping my carbs down and tracking my macros for the past few days. I’m still learning about what works best for me and have made…

Trying the Keto Lifestyle

Trying the Keto Lifestyle

I was a skinny kid growing up. When I was 20, I weighed 130 pounds soaking wet. I could eat whatever I wanted and never gained a pound. That all…