I was originally going to concentrate on my new goblin warlock, but I was just seeing too many cool things people were doing in the new 80-85 zones, so I…
Cataclysm Week 2
Ok, I’ve been really busy in the real world for the past few weeks, getting ready for school and moving, so I haven’t had a great deal of time to…
Old School
I’m finally starting something I’ve been thinking about doing for a long, long time. Beginning in January, I’m going back to school to get a degree. I should have done…
Kaboodle has started his run!
Cataclysm came out this morning, and I started my new Goblin Warlock, Kaboodle, on Steamwheedle Cartel US. The first thing I did was join my guild, Mass Insanity, so everything…
3 Days ’till Cataclysm!
I’m all set – Cataclysm is loaded, keyed, and when I wake up Tuesday morning, the first thing I’m doing is making a brand new Goblin Warlock on the Steamwheedle…
I Stood in the Fire
This weekend, I’ve playing a lower level warlock alt, Oakley, on Icecrown, getting some dungeon and battleground experience. While running through Winterspring to get the flightpath this morning, I came…
A whole new world
Skulfrak woke up in the rebuilt city of Orgrimmar today. Pretty amazing.
The Shattering is today!
I stood in downtown Orgrimmar last night, watching what was left of the city burn. The elementals had done a pretty good job of smashing the place up, and most…
Yet Another Guild Implosion
This is becoming tiresome. I thought I had found a good home to start Cataclysm with, but I logged on last night and the first thing I noticed was I…
Last hurrah for Zul’Gurub
Trish and I cleaned out Zul’Gurub last night, getting the achievement before it goes away forever in a few weeks. It’s becoming a regular part of the zone, and a…
Skulfrak got both the Squashling and the pumpkin mask in his bag this morning, giving him the full Hallow’s End achievement. Woot! My warrior Squood picked up the Horseman’s Reigns,…
Hallowed be thy Name
Skulfrak needs only the Squashling pet and the pumpkin mask to complete the Hallow’s End meta-achievement this year, but for the past few years, those have eluded him. Everything else…
Hallow’s End – Patch 4.0.1
Phew! Been busy lately with re-learning my spell rotations on all my toons, and how things work now in the new patch. A lot to get used to, but I…
Another Brewfest Ends
I did the last Direbrew runs on my level 80s this morning, bringing Brewwfest 2010 to an end for me. I was able to do them all each day on…
Keeping my Head Down
Not too much going on lately. There are things going on in the background of my life that I have no control over, and I’m really hoping situations don’t take…
21 Direbrew Kills – 2 Mounts
So far, in the first 3 days of Brewfest, I’ve done Coren Direbrew a total of 21 times on all seven of my level 80 toons, and netted two Swift…
Random Thoughts for September
I’m back to working on the guitar playing again. I suffered a setback a little less than 3 months ago, when I broke a finger on my left hand, shattering…
Brewfest has begun, and it’s a slight distraction while waiting for Cataclysm. Killing Coren Direbrew is about as easy as it gets. Waiting up to 4 minutes in the queue…
Got my Tier 10 Shoulders
Skulfrak finally turned in his Frost Badges and picked up the shoulders to go along with his hat. I think this will do it for my 80’s grinding toward things,…
Go nastily amid the peace and tranquility, and remember what satisfaction there may be in genocide. As far as possible, without surrender, move into other people’s space. Lie often, and…