Four Kittens

Four Kittens

We ended up finding four kittens in total last weekend. We bottle-fed them, but they’re all weined now and eating solid food. They’re happy, playing all day and starting to…

A Great Week for Sci-fi

A Great Week for Sci-fi

We got some great sci-fi on the home screens this week. Episode 4 of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds and the first two episodes of Obi-wan Kenobi. Minor spoilers are…

New House Guests

New House Guests

One of the neighborhood cats had kittens recently, and this morning we rescued two of them from the dogs on the back patio. We don’t know how they got there,…

Cracker Creek

Cracker Creek

We went to a church picnic yesterday at a place in Port Orange called Cracker Creek. It’s right next to the Spruce Creek Fly-in, which makes flying a drone interesting,…

Random Thoughts for Friday

Random Thoughts for Friday

I work four ten-hour days, so I always have three-day weekends. Friday is usually a good day for me to get stuff done. I feel pretty good about today. Time…

Back to Blogging

Back to Blogging

It’s been almost a year since I posted on here, but I’ve been thinking a lot about it lately, and have really wanted to get back into blogging. I keep…


In my case, more like a light shower. I don’t need anything more to do on my plate with everything going on in my life, but I’m feeling creatively void…

Cutting the Cable

We recently decided to try life without cable in the house. There was a lot that cable offered, especially with on-demand movies and being able to watch entire seasons of…

I’m Back

I dreamed I stopped existing for seven months… After a hiatus to get caught up with things at work, school and life in general, I’ve been wanting to get back…

Mid-life Crisis

I’ve been thinking a lot about my artistic career lately, and what I’m going to focus on next. The comic book thing has never really taken off for me.  I’m…

Daytona Beach

Here’s a slideshow of a bunch of vintage pictures from my hometown, Daytona Beach. Some neat shots in it.

Rant: Google Adsense

I just finished my second go-round with Google’s AdSense service, and my account has been deactivated once again, for reasons unknown. The email I received went on about click abuse,…

Reflection – Why I use Social Media

Lately, I’ve been expanding my presence online, and putting myself out there in the public eye.  I’ve been expanding my contact lists on Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, and started my own…

Irene – just passing through.

Hurricane Irene is passing me by, just off the coast of Florida, and we’re seeing some of the outer bands here.  The wind and rain are picking up!